Jun 29, 2010

Samara is 20 Months Today

My little princess is now only 4 months away from turning "2"...where does the time go?
Samara is doing so much better, I am so happy at how much she has progressed in the last month. Her eating, chewing, swallowing has come so far. She is eating a variety of textures and foods....even some cooler temperature foods like yogurt which she wouldn't even go near two weeks ago.
She is gaining weight and filling out. She is getting quite the little tan too. Who knew our little pale russian girl would have a beautiful tan glow.....it's amazing what love, nutrition and some sunlight will do. :)
We went to ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctor this past Thursday and Samara is having tubes put in on July 30th. She still has fluid on her ears that has been there since she got home.

Her 3 month check up at the IAC is on July 12th, I'm looking forward to sharing all her progress.

We also have a genetics appointment on August 5th.

Samara is also starting to say some words...Baby, Bubbles, Thank you......She doesn't say them often but when we say them over and over again to her she will say them back. Of course not when you are trying to show someone else. LOL

I will post some pictures soon, I am so behind and I have neglected this blog bad. I haven't even read any of the blogs I follow either. Being back to work has rocked my boat and I'm still trying to get it to stabilize.

We have a busy weekend coming up and looking forward to spending three days with my babies!

Jun 20, 2010

Back to work tomorrow.......I'm so emotional today

So today is such a bitter sweet day. We had a great day visiting our family and giving our Dad's a good pat on the back but I cannot stop thinking about going back to work tomorrow.
I miss the kids like crazy already and I haven't even left them yet. I am so emotional, I cry when I even think about it. I'm trying to remain positive as I was able to take the full 12 weeks off and have seen Samara make huge strides in the last few weeks.
Tomorrow is going to be tough but this isn't the first time, I went through this when I went back after having Ethan. It was just as hard then as it is now.
I Thank God for my wonderful, beautiful family. We are so blessed.

I'm getting ready for bed and I'm going to try not to cry myself to sleep.
I'm also going to try to figure out how to win the lottery....

Happy Father's Day.

Happy Father's Day! Here are a few pictures from the last week or so of the kids playing.....enjoy!

Daddy loves this picture!

"Hi Quinn!"

"Pucker up.....here I come"

"It won't hurt you, I promise" :)

Chillin in the pool.
The big cheese!
Playing peek-a-boo with the kids.

Jun 15, 2010

More pic's from Yesterday

Posing Pretty
My serious Pose

"Mom Seriously stop taking pictures"

Cousin Lexi, Samara, Ethan....Samara's first experience in the creek at Mamaw's

Ethan ...He is such a ham!

Hmmmmm So much stuff to touch and play with...where do I start

Ok mom just take the picture already...I'm trying to play!

Mmmmm Crackers are so good

I think she is just adorable!!

Jun 14, 2010


I cannot believe it's been this long since I've posted about Samara. It's way overdue.

It's been over a week since we have had a big break through with Samara......her eating has gotten so much better, she is still not a fan of milk or the pediasure but she is eating food and not gagging. THANK YOU GOD!! Here is a list of things that she has eaten and not gagged and really enjoyed

1.) Lasagna
2.) Spaghetti and Meatballs
3.)Mashed Potatoes
4.) French Fries
5.) Mac n cheese
6.)Turkey rice and vegs
7.) Cream of Wheat
8.) Cheddar Bay Biscuit from Red Lobster
9.) Crackers and Cheese puffs

I'm sure I have missed something but I cannot think of anything else. She has Therapy at CCH on Tuesdays at 4:00pm with Rueban Diaz who we are so Thankful for. He works with her sensory and eating.

Also she has finally learned how to drink from a sippy cup!!!! Although she just wants water in it. :(

Also HMG came out Friday for her first speech therapy and it went really well. Obviously she is not saying much yet but she imitates everything and that is really good. We are working on repetition, repetition,repetition......that's how they learn

Most of all I Thank God for all the changes I have seen in her in the last week or so. I go back to work in one week and I just have moments where I can't even imagine going back and then others where I do need a break. Although the break I want isn't work. LOL

Anyway I am so Thankful for the time I have had. I think she will do fine with my parents, she loves them and they love and adore her.

I haven't posted pic's in so long...after Ethan's Dentist appointment my camera battery went dead and I finally replaced it a few days ago. So I have a few pic's to post.

Thanks for all the prayers....they are working!!!

Jun 6, 2010

Ethan's First Dentist Visit....He was so GOOD!!!

I have been meaning to post about this for a few days. Ethan had his first teeth cleaning this past Wednesday. I was a little nervous about it, I thought he might freak out...but to my surprise my Boy is getting so big and was awesome. Never complained and listened so well. They complimented him over and over again. I was so proud of him.
It's so neat that he has the same dentist as me and I have been going to Dr. Tom since I was Two!! I LOVE my dentist...most people do not say they love their Dentist but I really do. He is such a nice and funny guy. Also his son is in the practice and once Dr. Tom retires I will see his son Dr. Brian. Justin already sees Dr. Brian. The really cool thing is that Dr. Brian has adopted two children, a boy from Siberia Russia and a little girl from Peru.

Anyway I wanted to post some pic's of my Big Boy.....By the way he needed a hair cut. Just over look the fact that his mother was slacking on that. By the way his hair has been cut since. :)

Waiting to get my teeth Cleaned!!!
Getting my teeth cleaned!

Look at my Clean teeth Mom!!

The BIG tooth where you get a toy after being really good getting your teeth cleaned!

It's the same one I used to get a toy from....Awwwww!!!!

I picked Big Orange Monster Teeth.....How do my teeth look?

Jun 5, 2010

Sibling bonding

We had a birthday party to go to today and had to make a quick stop at Target, and so while Leah ran in the kids and I stayed in the car and waited for her. Ethan and Samara were playing together and it caught my eye. The game was simple but it made me think of the times they do well and the times they don't, because this is one of the questions I get asked most.

Ethan, being the big brother he is, thinks that his age and seniority give him the right to each toy regardless of whether he actually had it first or not......or whether or not it was even his toy. A lot of times as he's taking something from Samara she doesn't react much and just let's him have it, however occasionally she'll disagree with him and let us know.

Sometimes the silliest things will end up being a toy, things that you would never expect a kid to play with or what they would even find interesting about it (like a receipt from the store), but Samara will just play with them and laugh at them more than any toy just lying around the house. She has this yellow toy pom pom that we have in the car that she likes, probably because of her sensory issues, and her and Ethan will play with it and just giggle and giggle.

Today Samara was watching her big brother shake his head side to side, like he was saying no, and then she would laugh and do the same, then he would laugh and follow suit. This went back and forth for a little while and I could see everything in the mirror. It made me realize everything would ultimately end up being just fine, and that they really do enjoy each other and love each other. Following the head shaking was the pom pom, which Ethan will shake at her and then Samara will grab and pull on it. Again, doesn't look to be real fun but somehow it works for them.

Ethan is always trying to give his little sister hugs and kisses but she doesn't want to have anything to do with that and will show her displeasure quickly, but it's nice that he feels that way and will try. Many times Samara isn't into what he is playing with and Ethan will get frustrated because she's not playing with him, but she does love when he runs around the house! She will just cackle with laughter and try to run with him, usually getting run down or tripping over her own feet while laughing all the way.

It's wonderful to watch moments like this knowing that not only are we trying to get her to bond and attach to us as parents, but also to create a strong bond with her brother as well!