Pic #1- Baby home in Syzran Russia- where Our Princess lives..hard to see but this is the entrance.

Pic #2-Baby Home- covered cribs where they take the babies when it is actually warm enough??

Pic #3 - Back of the Baby home

Hotel we stayed at in Syzran -3 hr drive from Samara ...Classy place...They rent it by the hour.. :)

Us in front of the Volga River..Can you tell we were freezing?? It was sleeting!

Just some store fronts on our Walk to see the Volga River in Samara

The AZIMUT hotel in Samara Russia where we stayed
These are awesome pics!!!
ReplyDeleteSissy - I know this waiting time is so hard for you and Justified...I love you and pray for you both...You will have your baby girl soon - I know...You guys will have a life of happiness together. Hang in there - I'm here for you! LOVE YOU!!!