So, we kind of missed the post of our baby shortened trip to Red Square and the Kremlin, so here is a few of the better shots we got:
Leah And Samara at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Leah And Samara at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
One of my favorites..Militia training on Red Square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral
Russia's President's Home at the Kremlin
Guards around the Kremlin
We made it to Red Square and the Kremlin, but Red Square was blocked off for the training that is pictured above. We walked through a really cool shopping mall to get to the other side of the square where we were able to get to St. Basil's Cathedral, which was absolutely beautiful, and from there we walked around the Kremliin wall and back to where we started.
We could have done so much more as you could pay to take tours inside the Cathedral and the Kremlin, but with a sleeping child who wanted nothing to do with a stroller we had no choice but to call it a day. Even though we couldn't do more we're extremely happy to have had the chance to see what we did.
St. Basil's Cathedral
St. Basil's Cathedral
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