Jul 4, 2010


So I am a couple days late on the 3 months home mark. Where does the time go. I cannot believe it's been three months already.

Samara is doing so good and is really coming out of her shell, we see a little more of her personality shine through everyday. She is such a beautiful little girl. Somedays I just cannot stop kissing her. Both of our children are such a joy and we are so very blessed. Samara has her 3 month check up at the IAC on the 12th. I am really looking forward to this appointment. I think the Dr's will be astonished at her progress.

Today is America's Birthday and it's also My mothers and Justin's nephew Eli. We went to my mom's to celebrate her Birthday and all of us kids grilled out and made the food for her. We also got her a really nice spa package so she could get pampered. She deserves it, she loving takes care of all our children for us. She is a saint.

We will celebrate Eli's Birthday next weekend. We are going to Bardstown Ky with Justin's family. His uncle from Arizona is in and they are playing golf. Should be a good time.

I have posted a couple pic's from today in our festive July 4th outfits. The pic of Ethan and Samara is the only one that was half way decent. Samara does not like to sit still and well Ethan doesn't either. So this is all we could get. :)

1 comment:

  1. They are both totally adorable and that is a great family picture! Looking forward to hearing what the docs say about Samara's awesome progress :)
