Too Cool!
Too Cute!
Aug 5th- Appointment with Human Genetics and had Genetic testing done......Everything came back Normal!!!
Aug 11th- Our Social Worker came for our 1st Post Adoption Report. Where does time go???Went really well, she had nothing but great things to say about Samara!
Aug 12th- I had my first meeting with my IAC group for the fundraising event for CCH IAC....I think this is such a great cause and so far seems like it's going to be fun too. Apparently the invitation that has Samara's pic on it looks super cute according to one of the members but I haven't seen it myself.
Aug 15th- Had our first Official family photo's taken and also Ethan And Samara had individual pic's taken....haven't seen them yet our lovely friend Lisa who is a phenominal photographer is really busy so not sure when we get our proofs back...I plan to use one of these photo's for Samara's announcements......I know she will have been home for 5 months Very Soon...Next week in fact!
Today was Ethan's 1st Day of Pre-School......I cannot believe it....My baby is growing up and he did so good and really had alot of fun. He is going two days a week (Tues and Thurs) He's big stuff!
We are going out of town for labor day for a short little trip to the Amish Country....always relaxing and I LOVE all the yummy cheese and sweets! :)
Samara turns 22 months on the 29th...only 2 more months until her second Birthday....CRAZY INSANE!!!
The pictures are great - she's such a gorgeous little princess!! Glad to hear preschool's off to a good start - can you believe they're old enough for "school" now??? Great seeing you guys last weekend - hope to get together again soon. You guys are doing so wonderfully with Samara - the love she gets at home truly shows.