Oct 2, 2010


Once again I have neglected my blog. Honestly life is really busy and blogging has become another chore instead of something I look forward to...I know that probably sounds horrible but in the beginning it was my release of every emotion going through this process.... even though I still have the need to vent I just cannot find the time these days.
Our trip to the Amish country was eventful.....Samara wasn't quite the trooper we had hoped she would be. She was out of her normal surroundings and was a bit on the cranky side to say the least. She did finally get a lttle better but we spent alot of time driving in the car and I think it got to ALL of us. It was nice though just going as a family and spending time together.

On our way home we stopped in Columbus to meet a family that has been such a great support system through our adoption process, as they adopted a little girl from the same orphanage in Russia as Samara is from. We had a great time with them and they are a beautiful family.

I am in Birthday planning mode for Samara. Since this is her first Birthday party I want it to be special. I am going with a Cupcake theme...it's really cute.

Samara has her 6 month home evaluation on Monday the 4th at Children's hospital. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. She has come so far but still a looonng way to go. There has been so much focus on her small size and her head size mostly. I have made myself crazy with obsessive measuring and hoping and praying it will grow faster. Her shape certainly has improved but as for big growth it's not happening. At least there is growth though, that is important. She says some words but inconsistantly. She smiles and laughs alot, and we love this because she wouldn't just smile back at you when you smiled at her when we first brought her home.

I am finally able to get her to drink Milk...she doesn't really care for it but we try and make sure she gets a good amount everyday. Hooray!!!

Ok so we are WAYYYY behind but we just sent out Samara's announcements this week...Only 6 months home...LOL. My fabulous and talented friend Lisa put it together for us. It's a 5x7 card with a front and a back....I am in love with it...You be the judge....By the way here is her website...she is wonderful ....if you need pictures and you want great ones...CALL HER!!!

This is the front of the announcement

This is the back of the announcement
I have some pictures I need to upload from the past few weeks and will try to do that tomorrow or when I update about her appointment on Monday evening.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so beautiful ~ Samara could be a model. LOVE the announcement! And yeah for the milk drinking. :)
