Dec 12, 2010

Long Time No Post

I'm feeling like a broken record everytime I post on here about how I am busy and have neglected my blog but it's true. So much has happened in the last month. We celebrated Thanksgiving together for the first time as a family of 4. We have much to be Thanksful about.

Starting with the first time we ever met Samara was over Thanksgiving. It was surreal that it has already been a year since we first met her. She has changed so much since then.

We also went out to Corsey's Tree Farm as we always do and chop down our tree. It turned out Beautiful and smells lovely. Samara likes to take the oraments off but since it's real and prickly she doesn't bother it too much. I took a picture of our tree with the Quinn in front of it since both kids were unavailable at the time. :) See below

So the big news is Samara now wears glasses, I have to say I was highly disappointed the selection of glasses for babies. Since Samara is so small she has to have baby size glasses and also ones that go around her ears. So the selection was slim to say the least. I settled on a pair but I still don't care for them. The good thing is she looks cute in whatever she has on so I can live with them. I am just about done with Christmas shopping only have two more gifts to buy. Thank God!!! I am ready to stop being so busy running aroung on evenings and weekends.

Right now Samara is napping and Justin and ethan are watching a christmas show on TV. The house is quiet which is unusal these days. Things are good and we are so excited about Christmas. Hope all is well with everyone. I am going to jump off and join my boys on the couch. Enjoy a few pic's.


  1. Your tree looks pretty and I must say Quinn looks so shiny!

  2. your family is beautiful!!!!!!! I cant wait to read way back!!!!!

  3. This is awesome Leah! We can't wait to bring Katie home and if the ophthalmologists are correct from Katie's medical, she'll be joining Samara in wearing glasses! I love to see how she's changed and is smiling so, so much! This can only be the result of having such awesome parents!!!

  4. WOW - Samara looks like she has really gained some weight! And how cute is she in those glasses! You are right, she makes ANYTHING look adorable. So happy to see her doing well. :)

    The pic of Ethan & Samara is just so heartwarming - Ethan looks like such a happy big brother!
