Mar 3, 2010

Our Itinerary

We leave this Saturday at 9:00 am from CVG, Arrive at JFK airport at 11:14am....then we have over a 5hr delay.
My brother Mike and Sis n law Julie live in Mass and Julie is driving out to see an old friend in New York this weekend and is going to take the subway to JFK to have lunch with us during our layover. It will be good to see her. The last time I saw her was when her and Mike were in for Thanksgiving and they are the ones who drove us to airport on our first trip to meet Samara.
We leave JFK at 4:30pm and begin the over 10hr flight to Moscow. We arrive in Moscow on Sunday @10:10am. Remember Moscow is 8hrs ahead of us and Samara is 9 hrs ahead.
We will meet Val (Driver in Moscow) and go over some documents we need to have prepared for court. We have another 5hr layover until we catch our last flight to Samara. We arrive in Samara at 5:50 pm on Sunday the 7th. We will drive about an 1 1/2hrs to the Azimut hotel to catch some shut eye. We will then get up bright and early Monday Morning and drive 3 1/2hrs to the baby home where our princess is, we will only get a few hours with her and then turn around and drive 3 1/2hrs back to Samara.
On Tuesday we have our Medical appointments and then have the rest of the day to try and see some sights and catch up on some sleep.
Wednesday March 10th is COURT....Oh my we are so nervous.....but I'm sure we will be fine. Once court is over we will hopefully get dates from the judge when we will get to come back and pick up our little princess. We will then head straight to the Samara airport and fly back to Moscow. We will spend the night and leave out Thursday at 12:00. We fly back through JFK and home at 7:50pm.
It's another packed trip, I am so excited about getting to see Samara again even though we only get a few short hours we will make the most of it. It won't be long now and we will be one big happy family.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all that travelling - sounds like a whole lot to deal with over just a few days. Be safe and enjoy your time with Samara!
