Mar 9, 2010

Sack of limp potatoes

This will be my second official post here in Leah's world, so with that said I'll keep it short! The time change has been tough on my wife and her sleeping habits have been........well, let's just say messed up and I feel really bad for her. Today after the medicals we had about the most amount of time on our hands that we've had on both trips, so we decided after lunch to take a walk through Samara while the sun was actually out!

Between sticking out like a sore thumb or two, mostly because of my choice of headgear, and the bitter cold our trip didn't last long. We stopped in a couple stores looking for something to bring home for Samara, but couldn't find anything other than a great big language barrier! Our walk was shorter than anticipated before retreating back to the frindly confines of the AZIMUT!

I've become intrigued by the language used over here, and so I've spent a better portion of my day studying the russian alphabet. While doing so, Leah, in all her exhaustion of time changes and mental fatigue, decided to take a 45 minute nap! She told me to wake her up after the 45 minutes so we could work on a few things for court, and when I went in to do so she told me that she felt like a "sack of limp potatoes" :) :)

Not sure what that meant, but apparently she was going to explain it to me right then. Leah was so groggy at that moment that you would have thought she had taken some serious sleeping pills and was having a dream, but that just goes to show you just how exhausted my poor wife was.

Needless to say that she ended up sleeping for a little over 3 hours and I watched a movie that I can bet nobody reading this blog has seen for a VERY long time.............the Goonies! Oh yeah, the explanation for the potatoes, well, all I can say is that the most I got out of that answer is that potatoes are hard before they are cooked! LOL

Having a little fun with my wife right now, but in all honesty I would just like to say what a wonderfully strong woman she is and what an amazing job she has done preparing for this adoption and being committed to it's success. I'm truly a lucky and blessed man for having this beautiful woman in my life and I can't think of anyone I would rather experience this journey with!!

What happened to short???????

1 comment:

  1. Forget what happened to short, what happened to pictures. LOL, just for you Justin even half way around the world I've gotta get at least one in. by the way, we own the goonies, steve and the girls have watched it a few times, I have never seen it.
