Feb 10, 2010

Nothing New ...just have to Vent.....

So I have nothing New to post..No call, No updates...nothing, zilch, zero....This is why I need to vent. I know I have so many things to be Thankful for and being depressed doesn't help the situation but I cannot help it.
I have been in the "Mulligrubs" lately and cannot seem to get out. I think about our little russian princess and how I just want her home and with her family.
I have so many little clothes that I have gotten her that she will never be able to wear, when purchasing them I thought for sure we would have her home by the end of February and now I don't know when it will be. More than the clothes and her room and everything that is prepared I just want to get her home so we can love her, show her the love she needs and deserves.
I read something in one of my books the other day that summed it up for me" The only thing predictable about International Adoption is How unpredictable it can be" and that's the truth......When we sent our dossier to Russia and were set in our minds that we wouldn't hear anything about a referral for 2-4 months and less than two weweks later we got a phone call...we were shocked....then came the first trip to meet out little princess and it came early too...now the part that I would want to come the fastest is now taking the longest....After having seen her and held her and falling in love with her and then having to leave her...nothing prepares you for that. Nothing!
The waiting game is so hard...I just think about that day when I'll finally hold her in my arms again. We love you Samara!!!

1 comment:

  1. Leah,

    I pray for you and Justin and your little princess everyday! I know we're just getting started, but to think of what's ahead is soooo frustrating. You guys are our inspiration though because we do hope and pray for you everyday. The HS process is crazy enough with the waiting on Ohio to return their registry. We're almost done with everything except that and Erica said the last one took 12 weeks!!!!
